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This website includes seven contributed papers from among thirteen presentations at a symposium (Learning and Teaching Interactions in Pragmatic Aspects: Language Use in Contexts Inside and Outside English Language Classrooms) at the AILA 2021 held online in August. They are peer-reviewed not only in the presentation screening but also in the proceedings submission. Visit the website and access the attached PDF for all the abstracts contributed to the symposium.
(You can find our abstracts by entering the moderator's last name, "Takeda," into the search field.)

Once you click the "Contributions" button above, you can access the seven distinguished papers.

sincerely thank all the reviewers for the presentation screening and the proceeding submission. Also, my heartfelt gratitude goes to the co-organizer of the symposium Prof Kazuko Tanabe.

Prof. Lala TAKEDA, the Chief Editor of Learning and Teaching Interactions in Pragmatic Aspects

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